Blogging with mummy influencer and photographer - Ebru

Blogging with mummy influencer and photographer - Ebru

Posted by Pia Reynolds on

1) How many children do you have, and what were your birth experiences like?
I have 3 children, ages 4, 2 and 4 months. 
With my first child Emre, I was induced at 38+5 days because he was biophysically measuring in the 95th percentile, after 10 hours of active labour, an emergency cesarean was called due to fetal distress. He was born a very healthy 3.95kg. 
My second child Ezelle, we decided to book in an elective cesarean, as she was also biophysically measuring in the 95th percentile. She was born a very healthy 3.91kg. 
My third and last bub Eleysa, who is currently 4 months old, I did opt for another elective cesarean, didn’t really have a choice in this matter due to having two caesareans prior. This one was a little different this time because I did a Maternal Assisted Cesarean, and it was the best experience ever. Definitely recommend to any cesarean mamas to chat to their doctor about a M.A.C. Eleysa was born a very healthy 3.31kg. 
2) What have you found to be the most challenging part of being a mother?
Definitely the lack of sleep, it took me a while to get use to that. 
3) You run a successful photography business, are a mother and influencer, how do you manage all three?
I have always loved keeping myself busy, photography is more than a business for me, it is a hobby and I LOVE what I do. 
I feel that if you love what you do, it won’t feel like a ‘job’, I’m passionate, and It's a profession that works with being a full time mum. I feel grateful for the opportunity to work with so many amazing woman who run these businesses, and to promote them using my platform. 
I absolutely love being a mother, its has challenging moments, but I find that once you find your lingo, it doesn’t need to be as stressful.
4) What has surprised you the most about motherhood?
Motherhood is a wonderfully beautiful, sometimes terrifying, and often surprising journey. 
One of the biggest surprises is the way that no one except for other new mums seems to be able to relate to the way that one day you are a normal person, and the next day, when you move into this world of new motherhood, you have seemed to merge into a realm from which you will never come back and few others understand.
5) One small piece of advice for a new mum…
Enjoy every minute and take every day one breath at a time, soak up every stage because they grow way to fast, and time is a thief. They will eventually sleep through the night, they won’t want to co sleep, they won’t need you for cuddles and soothing, and when this does happen, you will miss those precious moments. 

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